The owners of estrays must claim them within a year and a day . 遗失物的主人必须在一年零一日内提出权利请求。
A year and a day 满一年某些事务所规定的法定期间
When we have been married a year and a day , i will tell you ; but not now 等我们结婚一周年时,我会告诉你,而不是现在。
By the custom of many manors one shall lose copyhold if he claims it not within a year and a day after the death of his ancestor 已登记在册的不动产所有权,如不在其死后1年内提出要求,就将自动丧失。
By the custom of many manors one shall lose copyhold if he claims it not within a year and a day after the death of his ancestor 根据许多采邑的习惯法,继承人对被继承人已登记在册的不动产所有权,如不在其死后1年内提出要求,就将自动丧失。